Healing the Mother Wound

Healing Mother Wounds by Connecting to the Inner Child

Experience a deep transformative healing session by going on a soul shifting journey with your most authentic self - the inner child 

Often times the first thought that comes to mind when we encounter sexual blockages is about the body or partner. Most women believe that the reason for their unsatisfying sex lives is related to their partner or their “insensitive” or “frigid” bodies, but what I see as a sexuality researcher and healer is that the issue lies in that women oftentimes have unresolved emotional wounds toward their mothers. 

As teenage girls and young adults, many of us might have engaged in sex without much guidance or support, much less any mentorship or models around how to enjoy and love our bodies. You might have even found yourself in very vulnerable and compromising situations and experiences. And you might be re-playing in the back of your mind

“How was I supposed to protect my body when my mom could never even protect herself?” 

“Where was my mom when I needed her most?”

“My mom never taught me how to navigate this.” 

“My mom was supposed to protect me from this.”

“How was I supposed to do anything different when my mom was never there to show me what it meant to be an empowered woman?” 

These thoughts are running in the background, or your subconscious mind, the seeds to anger, disappointment and grief that manifest in the ways you carry and take care of your body. I used to count calories, smoke, and seek out men’s approval in direct defiance of my mom’s powerlessness at home. I wanted to prove to myself that I was stronger than her, didn’t need her, and could find the love she never got. But when I found myself in bed with a man, I totally shrank and shriveled up. And the worst part of it was that I felt unable to talk about it with the most important woman I wanted to trust and rely on.

To connect and embrace your own sacred sensuality as a woman, you have to let go of holding your mother to a standard that is self harming for you, and release her from your expectations. When you do this, you can release yourself from your own standards and expectations--the need to please others in order to feel worthy of love. It is from this state of mind that you embrace the true state of your BEING - Love, Creativity, Abundance, Compassion, and Freedom. You learn to be the mother you never had, the soul-mate to your inner child. You’ll realize that inner-child work is incomplete without healing this inner-mother wound. 

When I was able to heal this mother wound, I began to see my mom with totally different eyes. I saw her as another version of myself. And when I showed up as the sacred sensual woman, a woman in touch with her body and self, she began to show up differently too. That’s the magic of inner alchemy. When you shift and upgrade your soul, it creates shifts within all those around you. 

In the first workshop and group healing session, we construct the mother we always wish we had and unite her with our inner child.

After the guided soul journey and inner child integration, remember to journal, drink lots of water, and be gentle with yourself as you process. 

If you felt that not enough of the mother came through, try to keep your mother as the focal point of your soul journey next time. Customize and play with it. It's your's!

For your convenience, you can download the audio that contains just the guided soul journey from the workshop.

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